International police missions
Since 1996, Lithuanian police officers took part in 9 civil crises' management operations. As of now they took part in peace keeping, peace introduction and observing international missions organized by such international organizations as the United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Western European Union and European Union.
The basis for participation in the United Nations missions are the resolutions issued by United Nations concerning every mission and Memorandum of Mutual Understanding concerning participation in the United Nations system of constant alert, signed in 1998 by the United Nations and The Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
Participation in the mission of police observers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and inspectors' mission in Kosovo was based on Dayton Peace Agreement on the end of war in the territory of former Yugoslavia.
As of 2003 Lithuanian police participates in the European Union missions of civil crises' management based on European Union Council Joint Action (March 11, 2002 EU Council Joint Action act 2002/210/CFSP on European Union Police Mission (OL L 070 2003 03 13, p 0001-0006); European Union Council Joint Action 2003/141/CFSP of February 27, 2003 amending Joint Action 2002/210/CFSP on the European Union Police Mission (OL L 053 2003 02 28, p. 0063); European Union Council Joint Action 2003/188/CFSP of March 17, 2003 amending Joint Action 2002/210/CFSP (OL L 073 2003 03 19, p. 0009) on the European Union Police Mission; European Union Council Joint Action 2003/681/CFSP of September 29, 2003 on the European Union Police Mission in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPOL "Proxima") (OL L 249 2003 10 01, p. 0066-0069); European Union Council Joint Action 2004/87/CFSP of January 26, 2004 amending Joint Action Plan 2003/681/CFSP (OL L 021 2004 01 28, p. 0031) on the European Union Police Mission in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPOL Proxima).
Lithuanian police officers also participated in EU police mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding Council Joint Action 2005/824/CFSP of 24 November, 2005, on the European Union Police Mission (EUPM) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).
Lithuania also joined the efforts of Western European Union Council to stabilize situation in Albania stroke by financial, economical and social crisis and took part in Western European Union's multinational police force consultancy mission in Albania.
From June, 2005, Lithuania commands to the restoration group of Ghor province of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and from October, 2005, Lithuanian police officers take part in a special mission of Lithuanian Republic in Afghanistan. The Police department implemented the Project on Trainings of police officers of Ghor province and Purchase of Equipment for Law Enforcement Institutions in the end of 2006. 18 representatives from police, court, prosecution and military prosecution services participated in forensic science trainings in Chaghcharan in November, 2006, where they were taught to work in a crime place. Lithuanian police also donated 10 crime scene technician tool bags and auxiliary supplies.
Police department organized additional trainings and also a study visit to Lithuania for Afghanistan officers.
Seeking to implement European security and defense policy and according the EU Council Joint Action 2007/369/CFSP on the establishment of the European Union Police Mission in Afghanistan (EUPOL AFGHANISTAN), Lithuanian police officers participate in the EU police mission in Afghanistan from 12 July, 2007.
From November, 2007, one Lithuanian police officer started to work in EU mission in Georgia (in bureau of EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus).
From May, 2014, two Lithuanian police officers started to work in UNFICYP mission in Cyprus.
Currently Lithuanian police officials take part in the following missions:
- EU mission EULEX in the state of Kosovo ;
- European Union police mission (EUPOL AFGHANISTAN) in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan;
- European Union monitoring mission in Georgia (EUMM Georgia);
- European Union police mission in the Palestinian territories (EUPOL COPPS);
- OSCE mission in Bishkek, Kirgizstan.
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