
Visit of Mr. Jürgen Stock, Secretary General of INTERPOL, to Lithuania

On 24 March 2022 the Police Department under MoI of the Republic of Lithuania hosted a very special guest - the Secretary General of INTERPOL Mr. Jürgen Stock was visiting Vilnius, Lithuania. The visit took place four months after the INTERPOL General Assembly, when Mr. Jürgen Stock met with the Lithuanian Police Commissioner General Renat Požėla. One of the main objectives of the visit was to discuss the possibilities of strengthening cooperation between the Lithuanian Police and INTERPOL, including secondment of Lithuanian Police experts to various positions at INTERPOL.

While visiting the Police Department, Mr. Stock got acquainted with the Lithuanian Police and its development - since its restoration in 1990 up to the present days. The representative of the world’s second largest organization was impressed by a high trust index received by the Lithuanian Police from the general public, a large number of female police officers working for the institution and the progressive transformation of the Lithuanian Police from a force-oriented structure into a service-providing organization whose top priority is to help people.
Mr. Jürgen Stock also met with the officers of the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau, serving at the INTERPOL National Central Bureau (NCB). After getting acquainted with the architecture and functionalities of the databases and information systems operated by the Lithuanian Police, Mr. Stock spared no compliments: “Majority of the most advanced countries of the world are just starting to implement solutions that you have been using in practice for a while. It is incredible, you can and should set an example for others and share this good practice.”

During his visit in Lithuania, Mr. Jürgen Stock also met with the Minister of the Interior and Minister of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania and visited the Foreigners’ Registration Center in Vilnius.