
Strengthening of criminal police capacities in fighting organized crime

Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau supported by the Europol together with partners from Poland, Spain, Latvia, Estonia, France, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom has finished implementing the project “Advanced Fight Against High Risk Eurasian Criminal Networks (EURASIAN OC)” (hereinafter – the Project). The Project was prepared and implemented under the Internal Security Fund – Police (ISFP-2016-AG-MC). The Project, fully focused on operational issues, was oriented on the introduction of the new pro-active methods for advanced fight against organized crime within Europe and beyond. 
As the last activity within the Project on 15-18 June 2021, the Closing event was organized at Europol headquarters in The Hague, The Netherlands where participants from Project partner countries supported by Europol were gathered. This event was beneficial for the exchange of views and discussions in the field of concluded crime fighting operations, applied new working methods and planning of the way forward. 
The Project has in its essence the European dimension as it has addressed EU crime fighting priorities, involved several countries in its implementation and its results have benefited the EU law enforcement community. It has supported the efforts of law enforcement organizations in better identification and eliminating criminal networks. The Project has facilitated operational meetings, workshops and exchange visits which in the end led to finalization of long-lasting extensive investigations. Those investigations resulted in dismantling of organized criminal groups, seizure of over 9 tones of drugs, 3 drug production laboratories and over EUR 8 million in cash. The Project has furthermore brought new ideas into gathering of evidence through development and application of advanced crime fighting solutions. 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Internal Security Fund – Police under grant agreement No 766506.